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Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Digital Storytelling: Emotionally Connect With Your Online Audience 👩🏻‍💻

Over ten years ago, I remember reading an extraordinary story on Twitter.

A staff member wrote a story series about children they help at a local charity I support.

Of course, back then, we didn’t have to deal with the algorithm nonsense we experienced today, so because I followed her, I didn’t have to dig around to find it.

The stories she wrote took my breath away. Childhood illness was at the forefront of their cause.

Like Twitter threads act today, she created her series in chapters to share the stories over a week. You couldn’t wait to read the next part.

Her storytelling led to immediate anticipation of her work. It put that organization on the giving map.

In today’s edition of the Social Profit Stack, I hope to empower you to take your storytelling to a digital level and take on a new role of connecting with your audience on an emotional level.

What is Digital Storytelling?

Digital storytelling is a powerful medium that blends the art of sharing stories with digital technology, allowing for more interactive and engaging storytelling experiences.

Like the stories shared by the children’s charity took my breath away, the digital way of storytelling allows for anticipation and feedback to form the next part of the story.

Using this communication helped create empathy and grow support for their cause.

Craft Your Stories

Consider your organization a treasure chest full of amazing stories ready to tell. From challenges to wins, those stories that show how you make an impact.

Consider writing about someone whose life changed because of your organization’s support. Or share a story about a donor who helped through a donation.

Remember, the secret ingredient is authenticity – make it real, make it relatable, and let the emotions flow.

Where to Share

As you write your stories, you want to publish them on your chosen platform. For many, it’s Facebook or Instagram; for others, it’s TikTok or X.

Another place to share your stories with your closest supporters is by email. Email presents a personal way to help turn your supporters into more active and passionate advocates.

Become known for the incredible stories you share.

Measuring Success

The power of digital storytelling doesn’t end there. It allows you to publish your stories and immediately receive feedback.

Encourage your readers to comment on your posts and begin discussions with those interested in your story.

Adding basic metrics to your storytelling strategy can help monitor social media performance, increase website traffic, and, the big one, increase donations.


As you begin your strategy, start small. As you improve your confidence, integrate storytelling into your digital assets, like your website, landing pages, social media, and email.

You’ll immediately show them how others engage with your cause and give examples of how they can support you in the future.

Ready to go but not sure where to begin? I can help! Hit reply or fill in this form that goes straight to me.

Link 💜

👩🏻‍💻 If you're searching for a new social media marketing platform, Flick looks like a good one. It seamlessly uses an AI to handle copywriting, scheduling, hashtags, and analytics. Give it a shot - you can try it for free!

📚 Ever wondered how to grow your email list automatically so you always have new people lining up who want to work with you? Cody Burch can help. Create an automated list-building machine that works on your behalf 24/7. I did this course, and for $20, it's practically free. Happening Monday, January 22, 2024, till Thursday, January 25th, 2024. (If you buy, I may receive a small bonus for sharing this.)

📓 My Free 2024 Planner is still up for grabs! You can track habits (old & new), set up monthly intention sheets, and ways to improve and why you’re grateful.

Thanks for reading this far! See you in two weeks✌🏼

Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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