
Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

Ignite Engagement With A Simple Thank You Page ⚡️

Imagine this. A prospective donor finds your website. Happy they’re there, they click around and quickly understand the value of your nonprofit. They want to learn more information and continue scrolling down the page to see your newsletter sign-up page. It stands out. It asks the prospect to add their name and email address. Intrigued, they sign up. A generic thank you sentence appears on the screen to show they received it, but nothing happens. In today’s edition of the Social Profit Stack,...

Let's Amplify Your Fundraising Online 🎸

Hi Reader, A familiar anecdote I often hear from nonprofit leaders is they are ready to amplify their impact online. But I also hear, “I don’t know where to start.” Since you subscribed to this newsletter, I’m confident you’re no longer unsure about transitioning to a digital nonprofit. I know you're ready to begin. In this edition of the Social Profit Stack, I’ll share four principles for amplifying your nonprofit's digital fundraising strategy. Adding these tactics to your current workflow...

Nonprofit Tech Strategy - 4 Ways to Build A Digital Stack ⚙️

Hi Reader, Imagine this… You're running a nonprofit with an incredible team and a mission that always sparks your community. But, deep down, you know the organization isn’t running smoothly—there are too many balls in the air. You don’t have a way to track donors and volunteers, so follow-ups get missed, and donors feel unappreciated. Your website needs an update to improve navigation. Your email marketing aims to engage your donors, but often, it feels like you’re shouting into the void....

You're It! Discover the Magic of Tagging Email Subscribers 🪄

Hi Reader, Imagine this. You’ve sent your weekly email newsletter to your growing email list. You’re excited to learn how to use email to raise money, but you know the list is a mess, so there’s work to do. You’ve been too busy to sit down and arrange it all. You’ve heard about ways to organize your list, such as adding subscribers to tags. You’ve tagged people on your list but don't know how to leverage this strategy. You can personalize your communications to your email list if you do it...

Unlock New Donor Retention With Email Automation 💌

Happy Sunday Reader, Imagine this… You just donated to a nonprofit supporting a cause you care about. Post donation, you felt incredible. You’ve done the right thing. A few days go by. You have yet to receive any communication from the organization. No acknowledgement, not even a thank you. You begin to wonder if they even received your donation. A week goes by—still, nothing. Two weeks later, you receive a generic email from the organization, thanking you for your support but providing no...
this system is simple

Digital-first fundraising, simplified 🥧

Hi Reader, When I became a new mom, I was broke. My husband and I lived on one salary with a new baby. It was hard. One of my largest expenses was diapers. I recall seeing a mom put a new type of cloth diaper on their baby. It looked amazing. I’d never contemplated using cloth, but these were no ordinary cloth diapers. Made with a microfibre, absorbent fleece, snaps, inserts, you name it, it was a new invention I needed to learn more about. That mom gave me the name of the person who sold it...

Amplify Your Impact: 6 Personalization Techniques to Boost Engagement 🎸

Hi Reader, Meet Jamie. Jamie is a senior development officer who has been on what I call the struggle bus when it comes to connecting with her audience. I bet you can relate. Jamie knew it was time to try something new. She began rewriting her usual ‘impersonal’ emails, sharing more of her personality and addressing recipients by name. She wrote stories about her team’s work on her email broadcast. She researched the audience and asked about her readers’ interests. They began responding...

Encouragement Leads Innovation In Your Nonprofit 💡

Hi Reader, I’m often in awe of the incredible innovation I see in our industry. I'm proud to have stepped into organizations to see the culture and environment surrounding the team, all working together to find solutions for the cause. While I’m usually there to assess or plan fundraising, I see firsthand how team culture works. But, I often wonder how that culture supports new ideas brought forward by the whole team. When a nonprofit creates meaningful change, it’s innovation that I see at...

Embrace A Digital Mindset: Leads a New Path Forward 📈

Hi Reader, I recently worked alongside an organization led by a dedicated but traditional leader, named Jared (not his real name). Rooted in old-school methods, he had done well in raising money at events and even sent a spring appeal once a year up until C19. He needed help and hired me to help build a fund development plan. I quickly saw the organization was stagnant. Donations slowed, events were no longer well-attended, and acquiring new donors required growth. I wanted Jared to act...

Idea Validation Can Make or Break Your Next Fundraising Campaign ⏰

Hi Reader, Imagine this... Your former work colleague, Jenna, now a senior fundraising professional at a well-known charity, is calling you in a panic. She immediately starts, “Remember how we pulled through that campaign we did ten years ago?" hinting at your old shared struggles and victories. "The board wants us to run a capital campaign right away," she reveals, her voice tinged with worry. Recently, they let go of two fundraisers, leaving her overwhelmed. "What's the goal? And do we even...

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!