
Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

A Step-by-Step Guide to Giving Tuesday Landing Page Success 🌱

A few months ago, I shared the power of a landing page.

Now is the time to create one for Giving Tuesday to help drive traffic and share why giving to your nonprofit is essential. As online giving becomes a popular choice for donors, having the tools set up enables you to stand out from the crowd.

Using a landing page helps inspire your audience to engage online and donate to the specific cause you set it up for.

Today, we’ll set you up for success and share how to create a Giving Tuesday landing page.

Best part? You can use this for any new campaign now or in the future.

What is a Landing Page again?

A landing page is a standalone web page that serves a specific purpose, such as collecting donations, promoting a campaign, or encouraging sign-ups for newsletters or events.

Effective landing pages share what your organization offers, gather data, and direct your visitors to act on what you want them to do.

Although they look and act like a webpage, landing pages are standalone and don’t include navigation bars, links to other pages, or anything else that distracts the visitor from the goal.


The overall design of a high-converting landing page has similar strategies in common. They often include:

🎯A clear and impactful headline to capture your donor’s attention for a campaign.

🎯Easy-to-read content that introduces who you are and how you help immediately wins their hearts.

🎯Visually appealing images or videos that evoke empathy and resonate with the cause.

🎯A prominent call-to-action button that sparks a desired action.

🎯A user-friendly, embedded donation form that instills trust and confidence in potential donors and supporters.

Implementation for the Win

Sometimes, implementing what you learn is one of the most challenging parts of the process. If you tend to feel that way, today is the day we’ll create and implement your new landing page.

To get started, check if your current CRM, CMS, or email marketing platforms include landing page builders with your account. If not, check out these top platforms for page builders.

A well-written landing page can promote your upcoming campaign and convert visitors into donors. Here’s the step-by-step approach to building your Giving Tuesday landing page, along with explanations for each section:

1. Header Section:

  • Include your nonprofit's logo.
  • Feature a prominent Giving Tuesday CTA (call to action) button with text like "Donate Now."

2. Hero Section:

  • Create a compelling and concise headline conveying a powerful message.
  • Briefly explain your nonprofit's mission and the impact of donations.
  • Use a visual that evokes empathy and aligns with your cause.
  • Include a primary CTA button to encourage immediate donations.

3. Impact and Urgency Section:

  • Share statistics, success stories, or the impact of donations on your cause.
  • If applicable, display a countdown timer highlighting Giving Tuesday's urgency.

4. Donation Options:

  • Embed your donation form to the landing page.
  • Display different giving levels with suggested donation amounts.
  • Allow users to enter a custom donation amount.
  • Encourage recurring donations if your organization offers them.
  • Include a brief statement about the impact the gifts intend to create.

5. Stories of Impact:

  • Share stories of individuals or communities positively impacted by your nonprofit's work.
  • Where possible, include visuals related to these stories.

6. About Your Organization:

  • Share your value proposition.
  • Share a brief history of your organization.
  • Highlight your nonprofit's transparency and accountability.

7. How to Get Involved Section:

  • Mention how individuals can volunteer.
  • Spread the Word and encourage users to share your Giving Tuesday campaign messages on social media channels.
  • Offer resources for supporters to host their fundraisers.

8. Contact Information Section:

  • Include a form for inquiries or contact.
  • Provide an email address, phone number, or physical address.

9. Social Proof Section:

  • Showcase testimonials from partners, supporters, or community members.

10. Closing Statement:

  • Express gratitude for the support and reiterate the impact of Giving Tuesday donations.
  • Encourage users to make a donation or share your campaign.

11. Footer Section:

  • Include links to copyright, privacy policy, terms of service, and other legal gibberish.

12. Thank You Page (Post-Donation):

  • After a donation, direct users to a thank you page.
  • Express sincere gratitude for their support.
  • Share the impact their donation will have.
  • Encourage ongoing engagement with your nonprofit.

Once you’ve created your landing page, your software will share a link to your page. Sprinkle this link on your social media bios and emails. Share a few emails that introduce your Giving Tuesday campaign.

The more people see your link, the more likely they will visit the page.

No time to create your landing pages? Let's chat! I love designing landing pages that convert. Hit reply or set up a meeting with me.

Link 🩷

Running a WordPress website? Get started building your best landing pages and donation forms using GiveWP.

An independent collaborative promotes the development and use of responsible artificial intelligence for nonprofit fundraising. Join Fundraising.AI's first Virtual Global Summit. It starts on October 23.

Want to generate mockups for your next landing page idea or drag and drop design components to watch your vision come to life? This AI tool is the world's most straightforward design and ideation tool.

You've got this ✌🏼

Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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